Wednesday, September 27, 2006


About SUPER-SHOT Romania

1: Pentru cei care nu fac poze plictisitoare si s-au plictisit de imagini banale din Romania. Pentru cei care fac banalul interesant. Pentru un nou unghi.
2: Acest grup este foarte "moderat" de catre moderator(i). Nu postati poze pur si simplu. Cuvintele cheie sunt EDITATI, EDITATI, EDITATI imaginile ! Nu o luati personal daca imaginile sunt scoase din pool.

1: For the ones who don't just take boring pictures and they're sick and tired of regular pics from Romania. For the ones that turn the regular into special. For a new angle.
2: This group is heavilly curated by its moderator(s). Don't just post pictures right out of your camera. Main words ? EDIT, EDIT, EDIT your images ! Don't take it personal if your images are removed from the pool.

This group is public.

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