Friday, January 26, 2007

diseara la HBO - The Longest Yard

Adam Sandler, tampitu' de Chris Rock, un Burt Reinolds care, desi e tataie, nu vrea sa se lase deloc, do I need to say more ?
Funny shit.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lake Peigneur Mining Disaster

ENGL: In a few words: a lake, not so deep, wide enough. A salt mine, a few mile under the lake. They drill a small hole so that some water disolves a little salt , so they can mine it better. A big fuckin' whirlpool happents and it suck the whole world into it :)
No, really !

RO: REZUMAT : un lac, nu prea adanc, dar destul de larg. o mina de sare, cativa km SUB lac. fac astia o gaurica sa intre ceva apa sa dizolve niste sare, sa minereasca aia mai bine, se face un vartej cat tot lacu si suge TOT inauntru

Ca din prastie !

Friday, January 19, 2007

image of the day - Epic Aircraft

site here

niste Final Cut si Dave Fincher

Nine Inch Nails - ONLY

freestyle romanesc

Despre viata , cu Tamango

Video-ul este total spontan, cum sunt toate video-urile si spoturile si alte chestii cu Tamango, de la Shukar Collective. La el in curte, la roata carutei. Pe un scaunel de lemn are un Apple MacBook Pro. Si fratele lui este Gojira (dj).


Ce drepturi aveti in fata organului de prevenire si control rutier

1. Trebuie sa se prezinte (ai dreptul sa-I ceri legitimatia, sa ti-o arate. Pe care este inscris numarul sau… E foarte folositor acesta…).

2. Sa-ti spuna motivul opririi(care este motivul: filtru organizat si cauta ei, sa zicem, alcool, benzina sau dude).

3. Daca este filtru, ai dreptul sa ceri ordinul de serviciu in care trebuie sa se regaseasca data si intre ce ore au voie sa faca filtru, strazile pe care actioneaza si numele persoanelor care participa din echipaj.

4. Actele se cer pe un motiv(legea nu mai permite sa se opreasca masini si apoi sa se caute motive de amenda).

5. Deci, la oprire, se comunica soferului motivul si nu poti fi sanctionat decat pe acel motiv(asta daca nu cumva ai portbagajul plin cu arme si doua cadavre legate la spate). Hm… Logic!

6. La amenda ai doua locuri unde semnezi: unul prin care recunosti fapta si al doilea ca iei la cunostinta de amenda. Sooo… puteti sa semnati ca luati la cunostinta de amenda… Dar sa nu recunasteti fapta, si sa-l convocati la Tribunal sub asistenta juridica pe dumnealui.

7. CEL MAI IMPORTANT: ori de cate ori aveti un necaz cu politia, fie noapte, fie zi, puteti sa sunati la 112(Apel National de Urgenta) si sa spuneti ca sunteti de echipajul cutare. In maximum 10 minute( in Capitala) apare un echipaj de la “Capitala” si astia nu se uita ca sunt colegi de-ai lor, vor face imediat un raport. Care poate fi totusi util la Tribunal…

8. Fiti intelegatori cu politaiul… Totusi, sta pe strada de atata timp (asta daca nu incepe sa abereze), sunt, mai nou. Politistii de pe radqare nu mai au voie sa dea filmul inapoi. Deci, daca va opresc si stiti ca nu ati comis-o prea rau, le cereti ferm sa va arate:

A. Legitimatia care atesta ca au dreptul de a lucra pe masina de radar… Sa aiba vizele la zi.

B. Copie dupa certificatul metrologic al aparatului radar cu modelul si seria aparatului.

C. Legitimatia care atesta faptul ca are dreptul de a conduce masina Ministerului de Interne… Sa fie vizata.

D. Daca mai fac scandal, le cereti sa va arate “ordinul de serviciu”… Este un fel de foaie de parcurs in care scrie unde au voie sa isi desfasoare activitatea respectiva.

Aceste acte trebuie sa fie intotdeauna asupra agentului de pe radar… Dar faptul ca-I mai intrebi de ele de cele mai multe ori duce la un… simplu avertisment… Pentru tine, pentru ca… Ghiciti?

De multe ori, aceste acte nu prea se gasesc la “Nea ECHIPAJ-ul”…

asadar, citeste si da mai departe!

[via Liviu Mihaiu]

Biletelul lui Tariceanu, in original !

Ask a Ninja

Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday, January 05, 2007

Secure your network, NSA-style

For Ionut AND for Alexandra:
If you're nutso for network security, the NSA's 60 Minute Network Security Guide PDF (yes, that NSA) should get your network up to brick wall status in - apparently - 60 minutes.

The guide, which checks in at just under 50 pages, is serious about airtight network security, urging you, for example, to enforce a password history of at least 24 different 12+ character passwords, swapping out passwords at least once every 90 days. The free PDF covers Windows and Unix security setups. If you give it a look, let us know how your network measures up to the NSA's specifications in the comments. — Adam Pash.
The 60 Minute Network Security Guide
[via Lifehacker]

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Bump Foot - Japanese netlabel

about Bump Foot

Bump Foot is a non-profit netlabel in Japan.
Bump Foot was created and is organized by tatsu, a staff of Japanese Internet Radio "Radio307".

There are currently two main branches.

* bump : Techno, House
* foot : Ambient, IDM, Electro Pops, etc.

You can go to RELEASES

I recomend for today Facing The Fashion EP / Uniquetunes

Starfrosch | Download music

Starfrosch is a podcaster based in Suisse. Lots and lots of cool mixes, releases, for your daily soundtrack. You can browse podcasts by genre, or by artists etc . You also find them in iTunes --> iTunes Store --> search: Starfrosch.

What I recomend today ? Electromeister

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bristol Noise ep.4 - PODCAST

Harsh Times

Jim Davis (Christian Bale) is an ex-Army Ranger recently discharged from the military, yet still haunted by nightmares of his former occupation. While seeking a position with the LAPD that will allow him to marry his Mexican girlfriend and bring her to the United States, Jim kills time chilling with his best friend, Mike.

Bloguri din Romania

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wild Hogs :-)

A rollicking comedy-adventure about a group of middle-aged friends who decide to rev up their routine suburban lives with a freewheeling motorcycle trip. Taking a long dreamed-of breather from their stressful jobs and family responsibilities, they can’t wait to feel the freedom of the open road.

Tim Allen
John Travolta
Martin Lawrence
William H. Macy
Marisa Tomei


Based on the epic graphic novel by Frank Miller, 300 is a ferocious retelling of the ancient Battle of Thermopylae in which King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army. Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite.
High-def trailer

Mouse Armor