Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Polaroid PoGo - @ Amazon uk

Last year, in February, I was blogging the Polaroid PoGo mobile printer. Now it's time to buy one, technology got cheaper, the £ also :) Get it here:
Update: in March 2010 the price is £23.10

The instant paper is also pretty cheap, for being INSTANT and all :)

Lomo FishEye + Underwater housing @ Adorama

A hundred bucks of fun !

TomTom for iPhone

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Now THIS is a choir

At the begining, the choir sings a... STORM

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Depeche Mode - Peace ,2009

Depeche Mode - "Peace"

Am trait si ziua sa vad un videoclip Depeche Mode filmat in Romania, cu Dacii 1310, cu SNCFR, cu praf, cu Unirea la Optinova, cu toti distrusii si "disturbatii", tipic Mode. Acum ca ma gandesc, chiar ma intreb ce le'a luat atatia ani ca sa filmeze aici.
Videoclipul e tipic si pt 2009, in care DM isi arata moacele 2 secunde in clip, ba chiar de data asta e doar un mesh montat la Unirea. Ironic, daca pui la socoteala ca acum 2 saptamani si-au anulat concertul de la Bucuresti...
Dar, avand in vedere ca nu era doar o gastroenterita cum credeau doctorii greci, ci o tumoare canceroasa, de care medicii nemti l'au operat pe Dave...
They better sa reprogrameze si sa'si miste fundurile pe scena incoace!

texture lovers