A man whose life unravels after he comes into contact with an obscure book titled The Number 23. As he reads the book, he becomes increasingly convinced that it is based on his own life. His obsession with the number 23 starts to consume him, and he begins to realize the book forecasts far graver consequences for his life than he could have ever imagined.
Henry Chinaski (Dillon) considers himself a writer, and on occasion writes. Mostly he quests for the booze and women that sidetrack and seduce, rather than inspire greatness. When he falls for Jan (Taylor), the soulful connection fails to save either from their self-destructive ways, and the relationship totters between earnest connection and loathing.
Get piercing for your Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Boats, Snowboards, ATVs and more!! This goes out to all the lovers of ink, showing us there life. To the tribal pain lovers of body piercing...
In the remote sands of the Moroccan desert, a rifle shot rings out - detonating a chain of events that will link an American tourist couple’s frantic struggle to survive, two Moroccan boys involved in an accidental crime, a nanny illegally crossing into Mexico with two American children and a Japanese teen rebel whose father is sought by the police in Tokyo.
What we have here is a music video from '82. We're having dancing-Dave and we're having false-playing wrong-key-hitting Depeche Mode Live on Norvegian tv (or Dutch :) )